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Chemical Reactions as Causes and Laws

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral project

Horizon Europe,  European Commission

University of Athens

2023- 2025

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Introducing CReaCaL

Chemical Reactions as Causes and Laws (or CReaCaL) investigates in what sense chemical reactions correspond to causal relations, and consequently to laws in chemistry. It is an interdisciplinary project that examines our best current scientific knowledge around chemical reactions, so as to inform our metaphysical understanding of chemistry. 


Aim of CReaCaL

CReaCaL aims to offer an account of laws and causation that does justice to the rich yet under-explored knowledge of reactions, but that also deepens our understanding of causation and laws themselves.


CReaCaL's results will contribute to science by illuminating the intricate features of chemical reactions that are revealed by viewing them as causes and laws.


It will fill a gap in philosophy by introducing a new case study for the investigation of causation and lawhood, while achieving genuine progress in philosophy of chemistry by further consolidating it as an important field within philosophy.

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Practical features of CReaCaL

Duration: 24 months

Host Institution: Dept. of History & Philosophy of Science, University of Athens

Supervision: Prof. Stathis Psillos

Training: Dept. of Chemistry, with the guidance of Prof. Methenitis

Advisors: Prof. R. Hendry (Durham University) 

                 Prof. F. Russo (Utrecht University)


Funding CReaCaL

CReaCaL is funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) which are part of Horizon Europe, the EU's research and innovation programme for 2021-2027. 

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Activities and research outputs of CReaCaL

Writing Supplies


CReaCaL is expected to produce peer-reviewed publications in philosophy journals.


Keep up with new publications here.

Conference Table

Talks & Symposia

Throughout the duration of the project, I plan to participate in international conferences with individual talks and symposia that aim to communicate the research conducted in CReaCaL.

Keep up with upcoming talks here

Empty Classroom

Seminar Sessions 

In the spring term of 2024, I will organise seminar sessions at the Dept. of Chemistry, where I will present to researchers and students of chemistry some of the most central topics in philosophy of science.   

Library Books

Reading Group

An online reading group in the Dept. of History and Philosophy of Science is organised weekly to discuss key texts in the metaphysics of chemistry.

More on this (and how to participate) soon..!



The results of CReaCaL will be communicated in a non-technical manner through a series of articles in popular-science magazines and websites, including Jargonium.

Keep up with new articles here.


Metaphysics of Science Joint Workshop

In September 2024, together with Giacomo Giannini- another Marie Curie fellow- we are organising at the University of Athens a joint workshop on the metaphysics of science with guest speakers from around the world. 

View full program here

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CReaCaL Final Event

To celebrate the end of the project, a final event will be organised at the Dept. of History and Philosophy of Science, with talks by international speakers.

More on this soon..!


Training plan during CReaCaL


Metaphysics of Science

I am supervised by Prof. Stathis Psillos, a world-renowned philosopher with expertise in the metaphysics of science and extensive work on laws & causation. His supervision is vital for the formulation of a coherent and well-informed account of reactions as causes & laws. 

Supervisor: Prof. S. Psillos



During teaching semesters, I will attend seminars and courses that are offered at the Dept. of Chemistry on chemical reactions. This is vital to realise a scientifically well-informed analysis of the nature of chemical reactions.

Scientific Advisor: Prof. C. Methenitis



Part of my training involves visiting two established scholars in philosophy of chemistry and philosophy of science: Prof. Robin Hendry and Prof. Federica Russo. Exchanging with them ideas will further improve the results of the project. 

Visit: Prof. R. Hendry, Durham Un.

Visit: Prof. F. Russo, Utrecht Un.

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