Vanessa A. Seifert
Philosophy of Chemistry// Philosophy of Science
Past Talks
XXVIII National Congress of the Italian Chemical Society
Talk: Gender Balance in Chemistry- a philosophical analysis (info here)
The Metaphysics of Chemistry- First International Workshop
Talk: Scale relativity in the Metaphysics of Science (jointly with James Ladyman) (info here)
Annual conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science (BSPS 2024)
Symposium: Metaphysical Naturalism 2.0 (w/ Francesca Bellazzi, Toby Friend, Lorenzo Lorenzetti) (info here)
27th Annual conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry
Talk: Chemical reactions as causal relations (info here)
The Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association
Talk: Chemical reactions as causal relations (info here)
15th Biennial Congress of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS24)
Talk: The changing meaning of dicovery in chemistry (info here)
CEFISES Seminar, UC Louvain
Invited Talk: Chemical reactions as causal relations (watch here)
Departmental talk, University of Athens
Invited Talk: What are chemical reactions?
Conference for the 25 years of the Graduate Program in Chemical Education
Talk: The value of philosophy in chemical education (info here)
Public Lecture, Royal Society of Chemistry Lancashire and District local section
Invited Talk: Exploring the philosophical aspects of chemistry through the study of chemical reactions
Physics at the Interface, Durham University
Invited Talk: he (many) laws in the periodic table (info here)
26th ISPC Conference, CAECE University
Talk: The (many) laws in the periodic table (watch here)
MetaScience Final Event: Where is Unity?, University of Bristol
Invited Talk: Where is Unity in Chemistry?
NoMoS Conference, University of Athens
Talk: The (many) laws in the periodic table
Gender & Philosophy course, University of Patras
Invited Talk: What is Feminist Philosophy of Science?
TINT: Perspectives on Science seminar, University of Helsinki
Invited Talk: The Periodic Table as Law(s) of Nature (info here)
7th Panhellenic Conference in Philosophy of Science, University of Athens
Symposium: Philosophy of Chemistry (info here)
28th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Pittsburgh
Symposium: Mind the Gap (info here)
Cardiff Philosophy Visiting Speakers Series, Cardiff University
Invited Talk: The Chemical Bond is a Real Pattern
Emergence and Reduction in Science and Metaphysics, University of Lisbon
Invited Talk: Molecules as Quantum Objects (info here)
6th Italian Conference in Analytic Metaphysics and Ontology, University of L' Aquila
Talk: Why do philosophers disagree on how the sciences relate? - A metaphilosophical analysis (info here)
Seminar on Metaphysics of Science (CEFISES), UC Louvain
Invited Talk: Chemical bonds are real patterns (view here)
The Nature of Quantum Objects, University of Geneva
Invited Talk: Are molecules quantum objects? (info here)
PSA2020/21: The 27th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association
Talk: The Chemical Bond is a Real Pattern (info here)
8th Biennial Meeting of the European Philosophy of Science Association
Symposium: The Metaphysical Unity of Science
24th Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry (online event)
The Problem of Molecular Structure Just is the Measurement Problem (co-presented w/ Alexander Franklin) (view here)
The 95th Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association (online event)
Why do philosophers disagree on how the sciences relate? (view here)
British Society for the Philosophy of Science 2021 Annual (BSPS) Conference (online event)
Symposium on Analogy and Unity in Chemical Ontology
Harvard Foundations of Physics Mini-workshop, Harvard University
Invited Talk: The measurement problem as a solution to philosophical problems in chemistry (view here)
followed by Open discussion w/ Lev Vaidman, Dave Chalmers and Kelvin McQueen (view here)
Meeting of the Strathclyde Computational and Theoretical Chemistry Hub, University of Strathclyde
Invited Talk: What is real in chemistry.. and is quantum mechanics a threat?
Department of Chemistry Weekly Seminar, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Invited Talk: What is real in chemistry.. and is quantum mechanics a threat?
Forum for Philosophy, London School of Economics
Panel discussion: A theory of everything?, with Philip Ball and Jessica Wilson (view here)
Wochenendseminar zur Philosophie der Physik, University of Bremen
Invited Talk: The Problem of Molecular Structure Just is the Measurement Problem (co-authored w/ Alexander Franklin)
6th Panhellenic Conference in Philosophy of Science, University of Athens
Symposium "Current Debates in Philosophy of Chemistry"/ Talk: The Chemical Bond is a Real Pattern
ADHOC Associtaion for the Discussion of the History of Chemistry, University of Cambridge
Invited Talk: The Chemical Bond as a Real Pattern
FraMEPhys- MetaScience Workshop, Oxford
Invited Talk: The Chemical Bond as a Real Pattern (info here)
IV POND Conference: Science and Objectivity, University of Barcelona
Invited Talk: The role of idealisations in describing an isolated molecule
7th Biennial European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) Conference, University of Geneva
Symposium "Structure and Composition in Chemistry"/ Talk: The Chemical Bond as a Real Pattern
British Society for the Philosophy of Science 2019 Annual (BSPS) Conference, Durham University
Symposium on Structure and Composition in Chemistry/ Talk: The Chemical Bond as a Real Pattern
23rd Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry, University of Torino
The Chemical Bond as a Real Pattern (find abstract here)
'Emergence: conceptual and philosophical aspects', Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena
Strong emergence in Chemistry (find abstract here)
PHASE-chimie Philosophie, Histoire, Anthropologie, Sociologie et Epistémologie de la Chimie, University Paris 7
Invited talk: The Chemical Bond as a Real Pattern
Formal Methods and Science in Philosophy III, Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik
The Chemical Bond as a Real Pattern
XX Taller d'Investigació en Filosofia, University of Valencia
The role of idealisations in describing an isolated molecule (find abstract here)
5th Panhellenic Conference in Philosophy of Science, University of Athens
The role of idealisation in describing a single molecule
PSA2018: The 26th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Seattle
Referring to chemical elements and compounds: Colourless airs in late eighteenth century chemical practice (with James Ladyman & Geoffrey Blumenthal) (find abstract here)
Real Patterns Workshop, University of Bristol
Invited Talk: Real Patterns in Chemistry
International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry Conference, University of Bristol
The role of idealisations in describing a single molecule
Structure, Mechanism and Explanation in the Sciences, Durham University
Invited Talk: The role of idealisations in describing the stability and structure of a single molecule
Association for the Discussion of the History of Chemistry, HPS, University of Cambridge
Invited Talk: Integrating History and Philosophy of Chemistry
Ninth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, LMU
Realism about the special sciences
International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry Conference, Paris
Downward causation and molecular structure
International IHPS Forum Leeds, University of Leeds
Examining the integration of history to the philosophy of chemistry
Second London Philosophy of Science Graduate Conference, UCL
Unifying Chemistry with Quantum Mechanics
International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry Conference, Florida
Unifying Chemistry with Quantum Mechanics
Philosophy of Science in a Forest (PSF 2016), Kaap Doorn, The Netherlands
Unifying Chemistry with Quantum Mechanics- Kincaid’s non-reductive unity of the sciences
Workshop in the History and Philosophy of Chemistry, University of Bristol
Unifying Chemistry with Quantum Mechanics- Kincaid’s non-reductive unity of the sciences